Archives for March 2020

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Jonathan Edwards on God’s Exhaustive Foreknowledge of the Future


Those who self-identify as Open Theists deny that God has exhaustive, meticulous foreknowledge of all future events, including (especially) the morally responsible decisions of human beings....

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10 Things You Should Know about the History of Christian Theology

History, according to one cynic, is nothing but "the succession of one d___ thing after another." Unfortunately, many Christians would agree, although one hopes they wouldn't use precisely the same terminology! The fact is, people wonder why the history of Christian theology is worthy of our time and energy. Facts, dates, and dead people do not inspire much excitement, and...

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When Revival Comes

What happens when revival comes? What might we reasonably expect, or is it unwise to assume that in every revival the same things occur? My study of history seems to indicate that no two revivals are precisely the same. There are varying points of emphasis and God appears to enjoy doing new and unexpected things each time he chooses to visit us with his manifest presence. ...

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